Happy New Year!

Happy 2014, everyone!  I hope everyone had a fabulous time ringing in the New Year.  Jaycee and I wish you a year full of happiness and blessings.
I am truly excited for 2014 and look forward to seeing what it holds.  I have a few new years resolutions, like working out more, managing time more efficiently (always a difficult one), and a few other little ones like that.  My main new years resolution is just to keep an open mind…not to close doors just because they don’t seem like something I wouldn’t normally do.  A new semester starts on Monday, and before it’s even started, I’ve had to make a few adjustments to it that go against my normal routine.  So, with that happening, I’ve decided to always remember that anything can happen and just follow along with it the best you can and remember it’s God’s will.  I am also praying for more opportunities this year as far as blogging and things that go along with my major.  I truly love both of them and feel like there are opportunities for me out there.  Just keeping an open mind and remembering “Que Sera Sera!” Whatever will be, will be.
I am also very excited for this little journal.  My sister gave it to me for Christmas, and being a journal junkie, I know I will love it.  What makes this one special is the fact that it already has it’s use and I don’t have to find one for it!  Before I go to bed each night, I plan to write one line (hopefully I can compile my thoughts into one line!), just something to sum up my day.  Even though it’s a five year journal, I look forward to reading it each year and reflecting on my thoughts.  Do you have a “One line A Day” journal?
As I mentioned my other little New Years Resolutions, I think this picture sums most of them up for me.  I am going to have this printed in a little frame on my desk to remind me each day.  I think wearing more color, setting goals for each month, and most importantly, ending each day with a smile, are perfect goals to go by.
Wishing everyone a very happy New Year!  What is/are your New Years Resolution(s)?
Stay Tuned!

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