
Prepping for Travel with Walmart+

*Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.” 

Hi friends! Does anyone else feel like September just flew by? I know I do. I am really excited however, just thinking that we are almost to one of my two favorite months out of the whole year. October brings such a special feeling for me, as we enter a joyous time of the year. To be honest, I have never been a big fan of the months of August and September, but simply anticipating October is what seems to get me through them haha. All of this to say, the holidays are upon us! We also have quite a bit of travel happening over the next few months that I’m very excited for. As much as I love the holidays and traveling, I can already feel the business of life picking up. Anyone else?

I recently placed a Walmart+ delivery order, as I normally do about two times a week. When it comes to the busyness of life, I’m constantly trying to find ways to eliminate tasks from my plate. Signing up for a Walmart+ membership back in February was one of the best decisions I have made! I truly have found that the reason Walmart+ has become an essential in my life is because the included benefits are ones that actually help me simplify life. Allow me to share a few of them with y’all below 🙂

  • First of all, FREE delivery straight from the store to your door is hands down my favorite benefit of all ($35 order minimum. Restrictions apply.). And this isn’t for groceries alone…you can also take advantage of the free from-store delivery for your beauty products, household items, home decor and even clothing! It’s seriously the best, and there are no markups! This benefit alone makes a Walmart+ membership 10000% worth it!
  • I also shop Walmart online A LOT, and being able to take advantage of FREE SHIPPING with NO order minimum (excludes most Marketplace items, location and freight surcharges) has saved me many shipping fees.
  • With a Walmart+ membership, members can also take advantage of an included Paramount+ subscription (Paramount+ Essential plan only. Separate registration required). Hello, family movie nights  
  • Plus, being able to save 10 cents a gallon on gas at participating stations gives me a peace of mind knowing I’m saving (5 cents savings in AL and OK only. Subject to change.) There are over 14K participating stations nationwide, and I know where all of ours are in the area. I can always find a place to save on gasoline. And I’ve just mentioned four benefits I love…there’s more (that’s what the “+” in Walmart+ stands for). Click here to sign up and start your free 30 day trial of Walmart+! There are monthly & annual plans available.

I feel super satisfaction when I go on my Walmart app, check my profile and see what I have saved, both money and time, Since becoming a Walmart+ member. Let’s face it, time is money! As we reach the holidays and travels coming up, I am really excited to experience all the time I’m going to save with having everything from travel essentials, ingredients for festive recipes and even gifts for friends and family being delivered straight to my door from the store.

One thing I normally do before I travel is re-stock my travel essentials bag. Have y’all ever checked out Walmart’s travel size selection? It’s insanely good. I discovered it a few months back, and since becoming a Walmart+ member, I simply go back on my reorder items on my profile, and have them delivered to me. I’m having to physically go to the store, especially a few days before you hop on a plane, is so helpful! Here’s what I grabbed on my most recent travel bag restock.

Shop the Products: Makeup Remover Wipes // Disinfecting Wipes // Contact Solution // Travel Flossers Pack // Shampoo // Conditioner // Body Wash // Travel Toothbrushes // Q-Tips // Volume Mousse // Shaving Cream // Face Wash // Deodorant // Hand Sanitizer

That is just another reason why I love Walmart+ delivery so much. Not only are you able to have groceries delivered straight to your door, but also cosmetics, household items, clothing…anything available in your store. During my most recent Walmart+ order, I also had the cutest shoes delivered for Madeline, along with some groceries and my travel size items.

Girls Bunny Slippers // Girls Boots

Another benefit mentioned above that I take advantage of all the time is free shipping online! do you normally have to spend $35 to receive free shipping, but with being a Walmart+ remember, you bypass that minimum. Here are a few of the items that were delivered in my most recent order on Walmart.

Walmart Top // Walmart Jeans // Walmart Mules
Walmart Cardigan
Walmart Hooded Flannel
Walmart Flannel (would also be really cute unbuttoned, layered with a tank and over leggings)
Walmart Chelsea Boots

You can sign up here to start your free 30 day Walmart+ trial. But just trust me, go ahead and sign up for a membership (you can choose monthly or an annual) because it will pay itself off! I had already decided after the first month or two that I will definitely be renewing my membership again next year. It is truly the best, and I know that will be proven, especially around the holiday season.

Thanks for stopping by, friends 🙂 Happy Walmart+-ing!

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