Wait & Be Of Good Courage

So here’s a little story I thought I would share:
For my high school graduation a few years back, I received a ring from my grandparents.  It was a ring I had wanted for a long time.  It was pink and absolutely perfect!  When I received it as a gift, I cherished it, mostly because my grandparents gave it to me.  Two summers back, I lost it.  I remember wearing it on a beach trip and when returning home and unpacking, I never was able to find it and was devastated over it to say the least.  I’m not one to loose things, so anytime I misplace something, it’s all I can think about until I find it.  Well, after searching for this ring for quite some time and not having any luck finding it, I eventually gave up and figured I had just left it at the beach.  I prayed that someone may have turned it in but that didn’t happen.  I eventually gave up searching for it. Well…last Thursday, I was going through some purses that I don’t really use anymore because they are too small to hold everything I tote around these days. I felt something in the side pocket, and guess what it was!  The ring.  I don’t think I had been that excited in a long time!  It was so tarnished that you could barely tell what it looked like.  I’m telling you, I searched high and low for that ring and of all places, I never thought it would be in a purse pocket. Finding it seriously made my day.
You’re probably wondering why I’m telling this story. What am I getting at?  Well, the word that immediately came to mind is the word wait. I’ve never been a fan of that word, and seriously, who is!  I prayed and prayed that I would find that ring.  But like I said, I gave up over time.  And I thought several times, why God would care about a ring I lost. Well, due of certain circumstances, finding that ring just this past Thursday meant so much more to me than if I had found the ring two years ago when I lost it and God knew that!  Yes, I know that there are much bigger things than a lost ring that we wait on.  But God knew how special that ring was to me. And He knew that me finding it this past Thursday would help me to relate the moral of finding it now to bigger things currently in my life.  He knew it would strengthen my heart!  I truly believe that God allows the smaller things in our life to happen that end up meaning so much to us as we can relate them to the bigger things.  
As we wait for God and what He is going to do next in our lives, remember that it will happen in His time. “As for God, His way is perfect…” (Psalm 18:30).  Psalm 27 is one of my favorite Psalms.  I especially love the beginning and the ending verses of the chapter.  Every time I remind myself to wait on the Lord, I recite Psalm 27:14:
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
I hope this has brought you a little bit of encouragement to your Tuesday 🙂

Delightfully Yours,

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  1. I am glad you found your ring. I once lost an earring and found it a long time later in the cuff of a pair of pants. It had bounced there when it fell.
    God helps us in so many ways we may never notice or even understand, May you always find Him near you.

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