It’s that time of the semester again…finals week! This week is much dreaded, but at the same time, it is much looked forward to because the semester is almost over! Spring semester and fall semester bring different thoughts into my head. When I think of fall semester, all I think of is the fabulous way it ends with Christmas being here.
I want to share a little bit of how this semester has been for me. Beginning the adventures of my new major (Marketing), taking on so many new responsibilities, and seeing a few major changes happen in my life, these past few months have truly been a test. I started off the semester with a few unexpected events occurring…I felt lost at the time all this happened, but I now see that they truly did happen for the best and it is all part of God’s plan. I have made some new friends this semester that have been such a blessing in my life, and I don’t know how I could have gotten through this without them! School was one huge test in itself. I’ve had semesters where it was smooth sailing the whole way through, but this semester was not the case. I had many sleepless nights, much frustration, and so many times I found myself wondering if I could actually make it through, ready to just give up. Whenever I felt weary, I always said a prayer and had a conversation with my Mama. Something she always tells me is “Just keep moving!” That is so true, because the times where I found myself stop, I rarely finished the project at hand. So much of my frustration came from feeling that school was taking me away from the things I love doing the most. With this, I had to keep telling myself that it would all pay off in the end. I simply can’t believe that the end is finally here! I’m more than ready to enjoy Christmas break. I feel that I have truly grown as a person this semester.
109 days later, after 32 hours spent on (yes, I actually checked to see this), and three finals to go, I am so excited to check this semester off my list. Here are a few tips for your finals week and a few of my favorite necessities for the upcoming study days:

- Chocolate covered coffee beans are a great snack that helps me focus and keep me alert.
- My favorite Kate Spade coffee thermos will be in use throughout the week.
- Index cards and Le Pens always help me make the perfect flashcards.
- Cranberry Sprite is my favorite drink! It is only sold during the holiday season, so of course I’m going to enjoy it through finals.
- I tend to lick my lips when I’m in deep concentration studying, so they get chapped with the cold weather also. I have my Burt’s Bees Chapstick on hand!
- You have to be comfortable when studying. That is why my study outfit of choice is my Personalized From Me To You Spirit Jersey and my favorite fleece Vineyard Vines vest.
- My phone charger and earbuds are also a must. My friend and I last year studied for finals while listening to classical piano Christmas music, and I plan to do that again this yes.
Here are a few tips to help you with studying: Get lots of sleep, have your favorite snacks to help focus, make study guides, and keep in mind that you’re almost done and to give these last few tests your all.
I wish everyone who has finals the best of luck! Study hard!
Stay Tuned!
Love your study essentials and good luck on your finals! I have two left but am staying positive! I had my own share of struggles this semester, but focusing on just moving forward and having tunnel vision has helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel!
xo Tia |
Good luck on your finals!! I have never been happier to be done with a semester. We're almost there, girl!
Good luck on your finals! Hang in there!
Best of luck to you on your finals! I am now at the halfway point for mine- just have to make it until Thursday! 🙂
xoxo Miss ALK
Good luck with your finals! I found your blog through Miss Janice's blog and enjoy reading it. I appreciate that you always have fun and happy things on your blog. You have made me smile on some hard days and I hope life always brings you happiness!! I have sons in college and they are busy studying too. Wishing you the best!!
I know the feeling. I go to a top ranked university and it's completely overwhelming. I also switched majors this year (sociology to environmental science!). I rarely went to bed before the morning newscast started and was perpetually in either ta office hours or the writing center begging for advice. But as my marks start rolling in (2exams still to go), I'm realizing that hard work really can pay off. Although it's been a stressful semester (both personally and academically), I know I've grown as a person. Here's to being one step closet to graduation!