Life Lately…

Happy Thursday, Friends!  I hope y’all have had a great week so far.  I felt it was time for a little update!  All I can say is that I cannot believe how quickly April is approaching, and how quickly my little girl could be here.  Last week my Mama, Jaclyn, and I did a tour of the labor and delivery unit. And on the same day (after meeting up with my sister, Hannah, for lunch downtown), we went to my doctors appointment to see Baby Girl’s last ultrasound (bittersweet).  I have finally made it to weekly check ups.  It’s just crazy to think how fast everything is moving now. 
I say everything is moving so fast, but I just feel slow.  I’ve gotten to the point where it takes me three times as long to do anything.  After I complete one task, I have to take a rest.  Baby Girl has gotten so big by now that she’s constantly moving (it seems like), and every jab/kick has gotten to where it hurts, but I know I’ll miss feeling her sweet bouncy movements once she comes.  My belly jumps with her every movement haha. I feel like she’s just as anxious as I am.  For the past few weeks, my sciatic nerve started to be a pain and has made it to where it’s difficult to walk. 
(P.S. Isn’t this the cutest hair bow?  I purchased it off Zulily, and immediately tried it out on her headband, once it arrived.)
This week, the weather drastically changed from last week.  It has been warm…like 85° warm.  This has been both good and bad.  I love that I was able to wear some breathable dresses and pair them with cardigans. And I especially loved that I could wear a pair of Jacks, but the only problem is that I have swelled up to more than I ever imagined I could.  My feet are huge, and I no longer have ankles haha. I put my Jacks on the other day, and after my doctors appointment and running a few errands, I had to prop my feet up to let the swelling go down, just so that I could take my Jacks off.  If I’m not sitting down with my feet up, I’m just a swollen mess.  
I start to think about how annoying the swelling, sciatic nerve pain, and feeling so huge are, but I also remind myself of how blessed I am to be carrying this sweet miracle.  I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be her Mother.  I’ve heard it said before, but I can truly agree now…being pregnant makes you realize just how grateful you are for your Mama.  Mine has been here for me every step of the way and is always ready to help me in any way she can. I don’t know what I would do without her.  And as I’m feeling so anxious to meet my baby, I try to tell myself to just enjoy these last few weeks of my pregnancy and remind myself that the Lord tells us not to be anxious for anything (Philippians 4:6).  I know His timing is perfect, and she will come at the most perfect time.  Hopefully I won’t pop before then hehe 🙂
Hope y’all have a great Thursday!  What has been on your agenda lately?
Stay Tuned!

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  1. Good luck with your beautiful baby girl! You are one of the most fashionable pregnant women I have ever seen. I'm sure it isn't easy, but you do an amazing job!

  2. I have been having trouble with my sciatic nerve for almost a year now. I first noticed it after I had bent over about 100 times to pick up fallen branches in my yard. After that, the pain has made sleeping at night difficult as it seems to radiate into my leg. I had no idea that there was a relationship between the sciatic nerve and pregnancy.

  3. I read an article about it on one of the pregnancy apps I have on my phone and hoped that I wouldn't get the pain. But I did and asked my doctor about it, and he said there's nothing to really do about it and don't expect it to go away until she comes. It's crazy the things that are related to pregnancy! I hope yours starts feeling better! <3

  4. I am so excited for baby girl as well! I love you and I'm very proud of how graceful you've been through this entire pregnancy. All the swelling will be worth it. 🙂

  5. That sciatic nerve is no joke. I had that pain with my second and it lasted a few weeks after birth. I had to break down at a couple of places and just use their motorized cart because I just couldn't stand baby stepping all over the place. Anyway. You're looking fab, pretty lady! Have a great weekend!

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