Red Hunter Boots + The Perfect Festive Shoes

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Red Hunter Boots
Large Monogram Necklace
How to wear a blanket scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Red Hunter Boots
How to wear a blanket scarf - Something Delightful Blog
How to wear a blanket scarf - Something Delightful Blog
How to wear a blanket scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Happy Wednesday, friends! This time each year, I get so excited to use my red Hunter boots to pieces, because they add the perfect festive touch to any outfit! I don’t care if it’s raining or not, I know I can rely on my red Hunter boots to brighten up any outfit. I also love this pair because Madeline has a matching pair, and y’all know how much I love to coordinate with my baby girl. What’s even cuter is that fact that she adores them. If I tell her to go grab her shoes, the first pair she reaches for is her red Hunter boots. She wears them around the house all the time (with nothing but her diaper on at times haha). It’s the cutest thing, and of course it has caused me to enjoy mine even more. 
I can promise you that Hunter boots make for the perfect Christmas gift! They are both practical and fun as any girl on your list will adore them all year long…any season, rain or shine! I use mine for years on end. They come in just about any color imaginable. My favorite places to shop them are from Hunter, Nordstrom and Zappos.
Also, I certainly get a thrill out of having festive feet. There are SO many adorable pairs of shoes out right now. I love dressing in simplistic outfits and letting my shoes do all of the work, adding some excitement to the look. Here are some of my very favorites (several of these I own) to add a festive touch.
Festive Shoes - Something Delightful Blog
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Do y’all love festive shoes as much as I do?
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Delightfully Yours,
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  1. Awesome outfit! Totally agree with you about the Hunter boots, they are a wardrobe essential, love my violet ones! Also, I ADORE the way you style your hair, a future vid on that please 🙂

  2. WOW Rachel you look absolutely gorgeous wearing your red Hunter Wellingtons perfect boots for Christmas and I'm with you not waiting for the rain to wear my Wellingtons, I often go to work wearing a dark office suit, black Tights and shiny black Wellingtons on a sunny day and get lots of reaction.

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