Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress

Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress - Something Delightful Blog #targetstyle #fallstyle #affordablefashion
Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress - Something Delightful Blog #targetstyle #fallstyle #affordablefashion
Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress - Something Delightful Blog #targetstyle #fallstyle #affordablefashion
Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress - Something Delightful Blog #targetstyle #fallstyle #affordablefashion
Roadside Pumpkin Stand in Highlands + Under $30 Plaid Flannel Midi Dress - Something Delightful Blog #targetstyle #fallstyle #affordablefashion
Me: Target Style Flannel Midi Dress // Perforated Booties (On sale!!) // Long Cardigan (Under $30 and in three colors) // Gucci Belt // Amazon Hat ($16) // Tory Burch Bag
Madeline: Top // Corduroy Skirt // Bow // Booties
Hello friends and happy Wednesday! Hope y’all are having a great week so far 🙂 It’s crazy to think that we’re over half way through October. Where is this month, season, YEAR going?! I feel like it’s simply flown by. We took these photos awhile back during our trip to Highlands, NC, beginning of September. I honestly had not planned on even sharing them. We were driving down a mountain road and this little roadside produce market caught our eye with the pumpkin stand seeming to say “come on by” haha! It was our first glimpse of pumpkins for the season, and Madeline was especially excited! These pumpkins we were holding came home with us and were our first pumpkin purchases of the season. Other than pumpkins, this neat little place had some yummy jellies and other goodies we ended up bringing home as well. 
Anyways, I had asked my Mama to snap a photo of me and Madeline with out first pumpkins on my iPhone and she snapped a few (and I mean a few) on my camera as well. So few that I was like why did you take these haha? They’re not enough for an actual blog post. I was cleaning out my memory card earlier and this little set of photos caught my eye and it really struck me just how fast time is flying by. I remember taking these photos and this little voice in my head was like wow it’s entirely too early for pumpkins. But now I look back and can’t believe that October is more than half over! I feel like everywhere I’m looking, Christmas is already starting to pop up: decorations, sales, gift ideas, etc. And while I’m all for an early Christmas and getting a jump start on all those things, there’s a part of me that just wants to hold on to every ounce of October, fall, pumpkin season and all the fun that comes along with this season. It’s natural to grow weary and honestly feeling “over it” with seasons of life, but honestly there’s always something beautiful…something delightful…in every season of  life. And what a beautiful thing that the Lord allows us to experience that. No matter what season we’re currently in, His grace, His mercy, His joy circles around it. And what a lesson it is to embrace the beauty of it. Seeing the world through my precious daughter’s eyes it truly what teaches me this on the daily. So to sum things up, it’s something how doing something as simple as cleaning out my memory card was a little reminder from the Lord to just embrace whatever season of life we’re in. It’s easy to look forward to the future, the “what’s to come”, but in all honesty, there’s so much beauty and in resting in the season we’re in. Sometimes you just have to take the time and look for it 🙂 Because if you don’t, you’ll look back and say wow I wish I could embrace that one more time!
Hope this encouraged y’alls hearts as it did mine 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! Have a great Wednesday. 
Delightfully Yours,
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