Back to School with Walmart
Hi friends! Madeline and I are super excited because we’re back today with another roundup of the cutest back-to-schol finds from Walmart! I can’t believe we’re in the swing of a new school year. Madeline is officially a second grader, and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it. But one things for sure, she has found some of the BEST new school year fashion finds from Walmart Fashion. I am continually blown away by the incredible selection for the whole family. Not only are the finds on trend and adorable but they’re also great quality for an even better price. Especially as kids outgrow things so quickly, finding a great deal on clothing is really important to me. Walmart always comes through
Let’s jump into Madeline’s recent Walmart Back-to-School finds! We will be sharing a reel over on Instagram if y’all want to check out these looks in motion. If you follow along over on there, you know Walmart is my jam, and I’m always sharing the latest arrivals. Each piece will be linked below the photos, and I’ll also mention sizing info. Madeline is normally a girls size 7. Let’s get started!
– Walmart Lug Boots – $15, TTS, Wearing the size 1