Grey OTS Sweater + Personal Goals for 2018

Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater + Burberry Scarf - Something Delightful Blog
Grey OTS Sweater (Can also be worn as a cowl neck…under $70!) // Similar Clutch (also this one) // Denim // Black Tassel Earrings C/O // Burberry Scarf // Boots // David Yurman Link Bracelet
Hello friends and happy Friday! I’m not going to lie, I’ve loved these past two weeks where Friday seems to arrive extra quickly! Wouldn’t it be great is every Monday was a holiday haha?! That is definitely not the case for this upcoming Monday as I start school back. Part of me is dreading it and is anxious but the other part is excited because it’s my last semester before I graduate in May! I’ll share a little more about what I’m doing this semester on Monday. 
Anyways, today’s look is one that I absolutely love, all because of this sweater! The sleeves on this thing are so gorgeous. I love the cable detail as it adds such a classic touch. I mentioned above that I’m wearing it OTS, but it’s actually meant to be a cowl neck sweater. You could really wear it whichever way you prefer. I also love how the Burberrys scarf just ties the whole look together. And these earrings are simply amazing! I love that they’re not too heavy. But I had been wanting the perfect black pair for this winter, and Baublebar definitely made that happen with these. 
I also thought that it would be so fun to share a few goals I have set, both in my life in general and for my blog in 2018. These are just a few, and I’m sure the list will grow as time goes on haha, but I’ll share what I’ve got so far. I’ll start with a few I have set in my life in general.
1. Take Madeline to some new and exciting places this year. I have some places in mind that I really want to take Madeline this year. Some are pretty close by to us and could easily be a day trip. And a few of them on the list are actual vacations! I’ll be sharing more about this later on and possibly asking for y’alls opinion on a few places. I can’t wait though!
2. Get back into a workout routine. I absolutely love to work out. Y’all also know how much I love to go for walks and how I lost all of my weight after having Madeline by walking. I was in such a great routine with this in 2016, but 2017 was a very overwhelming year and left little time for me to do much physical activity at all. This year I plan to change that! I want to start working out again, definitely going for walks and possibly starting BBG (a workout program by Kayla Itsines). I’ll keep y’all updated on this. 
3. Take better care off myself. I know this may sound a little cliché, but I’m pretty seriously about this one. I’ve heard some other mamas say this, and I couldn’t agree more! In order for us to be the best mamas to our children, we must take care of ourselves as well. Working out as I mentioned above falls into this category, but there are some other things I have on my list for this as well. One of them for this year is getting a checkup, as crazy as that sounds haha! In all honesty, I haven’t been to see the doctor for a routine checkup since Madeline was born. I’m making it a priority this year. It’s so easy for things like that to be put on the back burner. Another thing that I need to do is drink more water. I was doing such a great job with this, but I somehow got off of doing this. I have several tips for increasing your want to drink water, and I’ll share them with y’all in a later post, if y’all would like to hear them 🙂 But I definitely am going to start putting them to use once again. Another thing in this category is eating better! I think as moms we can find this one being a universal struggle haha. When you’re feeding a picky toddler, this especially becomes difficult. I don’t see the need to cook something I know Madeline won’t eat, so I’m usually making her favorite things, which aren’t what I’d like to eat. I need to meal plan this year, go to the store and buy the things, and actaully make them for myself so that I’m not simply eating what Madeline has left over. And lastly with taking better care of myself, I am going to try to get more sleep than I did last year haha. Cutting out hours in the sleep department is how I was able to get things done in some ways. This year, I want to be better about this and am going to try to be more organized. 
4. Spend more time in prayer. I believe wholeheartedly, 100% in the power of prayer. I have seen so many prayers be answered to where it was such an awesome moment of knowing that He does indeed hear us. I want to make sure that I’m spending time in prayer, because it is such a comfort to know that He’s listening to us and knows our hearts. There are so many things that I’ve committed to the Lord I prayer, and this year I’m remembering to be still as he works things out in mine and Madeline’s lives. I spoke more on this in my 2017 recap post from last week. If interested, you can check it out here 🙂

5. Read more devotionals. I purchased new nightstands back in October and knew that they would be perfect for keeping all of my devotionals in, along with my Bible, journals and other things. When I was loading them all in, I realized just how many I have that I have yet to read. This year, I want to read more of them and actually finish them! I find that first thing in the morning or right before I go to bed is my favorite time to read devotionals. 

6. Be more organized. This is so much easier said than done, but I hope to be more organized this year. I think being unorganized is one of the things that made last year feel overwhelming. I hope to organize my life both with school and my blog. I think being more organized can lead to more of a sense of accomplishment. 

7. Take time to enjoy the little things. This is something that is more fitting to say I am going to continue doing. Madeline has taught me this 100%. She has shown me the importance of sitting back and simply enjoying the little moments, such as dancing with her to her favorite songs, laughing about the silliest of things together, and so much more. I know that these are the moments I will hold on to forever. So this year, I want to continue to find the importance of enjoying the little moments. 
8. Cut out the silly things. This is a big one that is so important for everyone! I couldn’t stress enough the importance adding this one to your list. Cut out the silly things! It’s as simple as that. Before you do something, talk to someone, read something, click on something, meet up with someone, or even think about someone/something (and the list goes on), ask yourself, is this a wise use of my time? Will this make me a better mom, wife, sister, friend, daughter, etc.? Will this allow my day to go smoothly? Will this help me to be productive? Is this really necessary? I think y’all see where I’m going with this, but this one is oh so important. I was really good about this in 2016 but not as much in 2017. In 2018, I’m going to be amazing at it haha! If you avoid the “time wasters”, you will have a much better day, be so much more productive, and overall a much better version of yourself. Set boundaries with these things and remember to stay in your lane! And that will allow you to better follow the path that God has put you on. Think of it this way, Satan would love for you to waste your time on something that would set you apart from what God has for you to do. Don’t let that happen!

9. Graduate and pass the RHIA Exam. Okay I know this one may sounds strange, but I think it’s important to add something to your list that you most likely know you’re going to do or already have planned to do. It will bring a huge feeling of accomplishment. For me, this is really big. I have been working on earning my bachelors since 2011. It has been a long, slow road, and I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally graduating is something I’m so looking forward to in 2018. And after I graduate, I have the pass the RHIA (registered health information administrator) exam. I believe I will be taking this later on in the summer, but it’s definitely another one of my goals for this year. 
Well, that’s about all I have for now! I would absolutely love to hear some of the personal goals y’all have set for this year. Feel free to share in the comments below or shoot me and email. Can any of y’all relate to the ones I have listed for this year?
I also have a list of goals for my blog that I’m going to share with y’all next week, so stay tuned for that. Another reason I’ll be sharing my blog goals is because I would love to have YOUR input! I’ll be sharing all of that next week 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by, friends! I appreciate each and every one of you. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Delightfully Yours,
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