Hello friends and happy Wednesday! Along with styling this darling bow sleeve sweater dress and this amazing $34 faux fur vest, I thought it would be fun to do something different in honor of today being my birthday! Today I’m turning 25, so I’m going to share 25 random things that y’all didn’t know about me. In all honesty, when I was thinking of these “facts”, I realized just how difficult it was to come up with all of these. I saw a coffee mug over the weekend that said, “I’m a lot cooler on the internet” and there is a lot of truth to that haha. 🙂 Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy reading these!
1. I was homeschooled up until high school.
2. When I was in middle school, I was an avid antique collector and collected tons of sterling silver flatware. Seriously, I have cases and cases full of flatware! I knew how to hunt it down on eBay or the best prices and enjoyed visiting just about every antique store I could to hunt for more.
3. I have a phobia of birds. Seriously, it’s bad! I can’t get near them and can barely even look at them. The Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds is my worst nightmare.
4. I am the middle child in my family.
5. My favorite food is Chinese food. I would eat it every day, if I could.
6. The only part of my body that I’ve ever broken is my nose when I was like eight. I did it paying a game at church. It was so bad that I had to have surgery on it.
7. I took ballet from the time I was three up until I was six-teen. It was my life, and I actually danced several lead roles for the studio I danced with. My favorite dancing memory was auditioning and getting a role with the Russian Nutcracker when they came to our city one year. I can’t wait for Madeline to start ballet 🙂
8. When I was younger, my mama curled my hair every single day, so everyone always thought that I had naturally curly hair when it really is stick straight!
9. I’m always “fashionably” late 🙂
10. I can make a mean red velvet cake. I am actually really good at baking, but I’m still working on my cooking haha.
11. When I was a child, my dream was to one day be an author. I had notebooks on notebooks packed full with stories about all of my favorite toys.
12. If I had to pick one other state to live in, it would hands down be Virginia. I love the state of Virginia.
13. I got my ears pierced when I was nine, even though the rule was to wait until I was thirteen. My sister had to wait until she was thirteen, and because I got so mad, my mom decided to go ahead and let me get mine pierced a week after my sister got hers. She’ll never let me live that one down! Sorry, Hannah 🙂
14. The number one thing that I craved throughout my pregnancy was ice. Specifically, Chick-Fil-A ice. And now, Madeline loves eating ice!
15. The only sport I’ve ever played is tennis. I took lessons all throughout high school. And my senior year, I decided to join the tennis team at school. I wasn’t too good. In fact, I was so bad that they added a third doubles team so that I could play as a senior haha.
16. The only other pet I’ve ever had was a cat that my sister and I got when we were little girls. I named her “Miss Bunny.”
17. One time, I got a concussion from hiking. It was for my environmental science class from high school. I fell on a rock on the way up the mountain and on a tree root on the way down, because I packed too much in my backpack. Overpacking has always been a problem haha.
18. My favorite color now is pink, but when I was a little girl, I went through a phase where I was obsessed with the color orange. I wanted orange things and would only wear clothing with the color orange in it.
19. I absolutely love to travel and have so many places that I want to visit when I get the opportunity to one day.
20. Okay this is an embarrassing one. Throughout my middle school and high school years, I was obsessed with Juicy Couture…to an ridiculous extent. I wore the track suits, the charm bracelets, everything. It’s actually how I came up with the name Jaycee for my dog. But don’t get me wrong, even though I don’t like Juicy anymore, I do still love the name Jaycee 🙂
21. I took piano lessons from the time I was five until I was a senior in college. But I haven’t played since my senior piano recital. Hoping that I can just miraculously pick it up again some day 🙂
22. I have never liked watching TV. Now, the only things I watch are the things Madeline likes.
23. I have changed my major three times throughout college, which is why I’m so late graduating. I’m so thankful with the way that the program I’m now pretty much fell in my lap when I was least expecting and when I needed it the most. I give all of the glory to God with the way it has all worked out.
24. I have never liked to read. I get side tracked too easily and cannot follow along. It has to be a really good book for me to enjoy it.
25. My whole life, I have always hated coffee and peanut butter. But I started to love coffee last year and have become an avid coffee drinker. And this year, I started liking peanut butter and eat it every morning on toast for breakfast. Never say never, right? 🙂
Well that’s about it! Twenty-five random facts for twenty-five years. I hope y’all enjoyed this post! If you can relate to any of these things, I’d love to know.
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I never liked peanut butter until this year, either!!! So weird!
Happy birthday, and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Rachel happy happy birthday! We are birthday triplets-I day that because I’m a twin:) Anyway number 17 overpacking that is Me! I’ve almost passed out from hauling bags up and down streets while traveling abroad I never know what to pack so I pack my closet! Packing is fun. Happy Birthday again you still look like your 20 your so sweet!
I never liked peanut butter until this year, either!!! So weird!
Happy birthday, and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Rachel happy happy birthday! We are birthday triplets-I day that because I’m a twin:) Anyway number 17 overpacking that is Me! I’ve almost passed out from hauling bags up and down streets while traveling abroad I never know what to pack so I pack my closet! Packing is fun. Happy Birthday again you still look like your 20 your so sweet!
Happy birthday sweet Rachel! It's been amazing to see how God has been working in your life. May God bless you this year and always!!